Chairman: Anees-ur-Rehman

The visionary Chairman of The Kohinoor Group has led the company from the forefront since its inception. With his hands-on approach and his personal motto ‘Quality above all else’, he is the reason behind the success of The Kohinoor Group. A respected member in the Indian ornamental stone industry, he is the Vice President of the All India Granite & Stone Association (AIGSA) and is also the co-chairman of STONA 2014.

Managing Director: Hasib-ur-Rehman

Hasib-ur-Rehman believes his biggest contribution to the company as the Managing Director has been the streamlining of the company’s delivery process. He has managed to reduce delivery times by 15% by instituting a new and updated delivery system for all consignments and orders. Speaking about the company’s position in the market, Hasib alludes to the company’s heritage and trust that they have built in the market over the years. Along with this unquantifiable advantage, it is the quality of their product offerings that set them apart from their competition.

Finance Director – Mohib-ur-Rehman

When Mohib-ur-Rehman took on the role of Finance Director, little did he know that his initial years would be the most challenging that any young professional could hope for. However, Mohib has found that steering The Kohinoor Group through the international financial crisis has been an invaluable experience. Mohib finds this quote from Michael Lewis’ The Big Short helps him stay positive and drives him on through the toughest patches - “What are the odds that people will make smart decisions about money if they don’t need to make smart decisions — if they can get rich making dumb decisions?”

Marketing & Sales Director – Mezaan Anees

The youngest member of the senior management team, Mezaan Anees brings a fresh new perspective to The Kohinoor Group. Commenting on the company’s success story, Mezaan believes that it is not enough for him to just maintain the goodwill, the image, and the trust that the company has built over the years. He wants to make sure the company progresses forward by “leaps and bounds”.